
Made to be like Christ

We were made to serve and love - to be like Jesus Christ. We were made to serve God, to glorify him. We have to help everyone/anyone that needs help, even if they treat you as slaves! Did Jesus help everyone he could? Even when he was going to be crucified by them? Did he love them? YES he did! And we need to be like him in every way. Even if you feel you are unfairly treated, still help the person as this may be rewarded with an eternal life with God.


A nice little quote

Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

John 1: 12-13


God's love

God’s love is something msn cannot imagine; it’s like trying to measure every inch of space! God’s love is unconditional; does he only give rain to believers? No, everyone can receive his blessing and love if they want to. He made each and every one of us with an intention – to be a part of the church, spread the word of Christ and glorify God. He personally shaped your characteristics, hobbies, EVERYTHING! God even gave up his own son Jesus to save us; Jesus was beaten, hurt and without strength. He had to drag a huge cross after unfair treatment, have his limbs nailed onto the cross and suspended on the cross to be to die. He suffered so much to save us.

You may then watch the news and see chaos, strife and war everywhere. You may think: “where is God’s love?” Well let me ask you a question: if Earth was like Heaven, who would want a God? Who would care about an eternal life if they could just slowly die in paradise? Man will think they are God if Earth was like this, but we were made to serve God, not for God to serve you.


Sun, moon and .. shaded lamps?

So what does God want us to do in this life?
This could be explained like this.
God is like the Sun. He gives light and glory to everyone. We are all happy until night comes. Night is our sins. It is a black fog, shadingour eyes from the glory of the Lord. Because we are so corrupted by our own sins, God sent Jesus. Jesus can be described as the moon, reflecting God's glory through our sins. Because Jesus died for us, our sins were cleared and we once again are able to feel the light of the sun. But still, our sin continues to grow. That is why all of us are shaded lamps. Our real light is eclipsed by our own sins. What God wants us to do is to try to remove the shades from ourselves and those around us. Then, at night, all of us could shine the glory of the Lord to the ends of the earth.



In 1889 when the Eiffel tower was made, man felt optimistic - they thought they could do anything... 35 years after, World War I broke out. How did man feel? Distressed? Weak? Hopeless? God is hope, and hope is life. We all need God, otherwise we will crumble like buildings in an earthquake, we are nothing without God.