
More than belief

More than belief in Jesus is required.

Belief must also be accompanied by good work. James 2:17 says : "This, too, faith, if it does not have works is dead in itself". Without doing good work to people (praying for them, teaching them the Word of Christ, helping them) our faith is practically nothing. You must have faith in Jesus Christ and do the work of God, to continue what Jesus Christ left off.


The empty feeling

Would you be happy if you were wealthy, without a care in the world?
Most people think they would be, but would they really?
Look at the celebrities we idolise, they earn millions by memorising off a script. When they want something done, people do it for them. But normal people, even poor people are better off than them, as we always have at least one reason to live.
Most people have an empty feeling inside, the feeling of immortality. They try to fill this emptiness with wealth, fame and items of great value, but it feels just more empty. God is the only way to fill the emptiness. If you want to live forever, believe in God.
Normally, all of us would go to hell. But, because of God's son Jesus Christ died for our sins, we have a chance to go to heaven. All you need to do is pray to God. Tell him that you're a sinner, but you believe in Jesus and you want to be saved. You will never feel empty again.


God's love

Hi, just in case you didn't know, God doesn't listen to sinners' prayers. So if it seems like God is moving further and further away from you, ask him to forgive you and let him fill you with his love. This love is more precious than anything else. With it, there will be no fear. Why is Jesus so great? He has God's love and didn't fear what anybody else thought.
So if you're feeling unhappy, look for God. He will always be waiting to fill your heart with love.