
Mother's Day - how important?

Mother's Day is celebrated internationally, so its importance is already quite large in a worldwide scale, but how important should it be to you?
Nowadays, Mother's Day is more of a retail day than a celebration for your mother. I'm sure if you turn on the T.V, the advertisements would mostly sound like this:
" Don't forget its Mother's Day! Spoil her with these 12 carat diamond rings for only $99.99."
Is that what Mother's Day is about? Buying your beloved parent some expensive item, so that the burden will be gone?
Ok, so maybe you don't get along quite well with your mother. And maybe your mother may actually be a bad parent. But them being a bad parent does not make you a bad child. Maybe if you showed her love she would be different. Maybe.
Now I'll get to the point. How important is Mother's Day to you?
First, let us see what God has to say. In the Ten Commandments, he made the Honor your father and mother commandment the sixth commandment. And the five commandments before it were relating to your relationship with God. This makes Honor your father and mother the first commandment relating to humans.
So God thinks your parents are pretty important. Why shouldn't you? You probably are one or will be one. Would you want your children to treat you badly?
This Mother's Day try to make more of an effort than last time. Buying her material goods is just pricing your mother. Doing something simple like just saying, ' I love you.' is much harder but can be 1000 times more effective.

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